Thursday, September 10, 2009

Question of the Day

What did you think of Obama's Speech?


  1. Hi V. How nice it is to hear a presidential address enunciated with enthusiasm, intelligence, and without bravado. Being an uber-liberal I didn't get everything I wanted, but I'm very happy with the outcome of his speech and looking forward to the many changes he proposed. I was starting to think he was going to let opponents steamroll him, but he obviously has been holding his tongue until he needed to speak.

  2. I loved it. He finally gave the rightwing what for. If anything it did galvanize the DEMS, for sure.

  3. I love it for once it seems that he is coming after the Health Insurance companies. I love it. And for the asshat that called him a liar, well he can kiss his political career good bye. What a fuck up.
