Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Now, This is a Gay Wedding

These two did it and did it well.
Stylist Michael K. Cole, owner of the famed and celebrated Talk of the Town Salon, stood before family and friends in a commitment ceremony between he and his soul-mate Jamil Smith.

In a unique celebration stylized like an official wedding ceremony, Cole and Smith were intentional in their efforts to break through the barriers of a world immersed in intolerance. They said their union opened the doors of possibility for both heterosexuals and members of the GLBT community who are seeking true love. “What this ceremony meant to the gay community is that now a lot of gay people can say that 'Yes, we too can do this.’” Cole said.
Cole and Smith said they met a few years ago at Gay Pride Celebration in Atlanta, GA. Cole and Smith hit it off in a way that reads like the pages of a fairytale. “From the day we met there was an initial connection. What started out as 4 or 5 hours together, talking and getting to know one another, felt like a weekend or a lifetime of knowing each other,” Smith says of his first conversation with Cole.
Cole and Smith’s love for one another radiates around them. They say theirs is a special bond that comes solely when love calls and the right person finally answers.

Congrats, Michael and Jamil... Work that Wedding.



  1. That is great to see! Congrats to them!

  2. I bet that the cake was the best you'd ever taste.

  3. Wow! The lion from The Wizard of Oz is gay? Who would've guessed...

  4. Seriously - those two bitches WORKED THE HELL out of their wedding EXTRAVAGANZA. Good for them!!!

    Mazel tov...


  5. Hey Sweetie! Thanks for posting my words on your lovely blog. ( i wrote the article on Cole And Smith!)
