Thursday, September 3, 2009

Focus on the Family is afraid for their Religious Liberty

Great Hera! I thought these fools were bankrupt.

Focus on the Family has sent a letter urging Congress to dismiss ENDA because it will cause massive horror on Earth.
Tom Minnery, vice president of government and public policy at Focus on the Family, said the measure would wreak havoc.

"This is going to be a minefield of new lawsuits," he said, "filed by people who are suddenly feeling that they are discriminated against by any religious object in any workplace."

The letter contains examples of Christian businesses and employees unduly harmed by ENDA-type policies. Ashley Horne, federal policy analyst for Focus on the Family Action, said ENDA's passage would threaten religious freedoms.

"Gay rights activists have wanted this bill for a long time," she said, "to keep religious employers from being able to hire and fire based on their moral convictions."

The House is expected to take action on ENDA before the December recess. Horne said the letter makes clear Focus' opposition to its passage.

"We want representatives to vote 'no' on this bill," she said. "It is a direct attack on religious liberty."

Interesting, Miss Ashley. Too bad you keep using your liberties to stop ours.


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