Monday, August 17, 2009

Who is This Fool?

I'm lost for words...

In Arizona (Shock, NOT) some cretin walked around with 2 guns during Obama's speech at the Veterans of Foreign Wars convention.

When he finally got the attention of the media, this is what he had to say:

A man, who decided not to give his name, was walking around the pro-health care reform rally at 3rd and Washington streets, with a pistol on his hip, and an AR-15 (a semi-automatic assault rifle) on a strap over his shoulder.

"Because I can do it," he said when asked why he was armed. "In Arizona, I still have some freedoms."

You cumrag! What are you talking about? Oh, "I'm bringing some guns to show I have Freedoms".

Eat a shoe, idiot! They should have arrested you for being stupid. However, it's legal in Arizona to carry a gun for NOASS REASON.



  1. What the hell? People are so stupid!

  2. This is scaring the hell out of me!

  3. Why he gottA BE BLACK?!? I thought we had enough!

    Make sure to follow my *NEW* blog ...

  4. He may not have given his name but his face was in full view so I expect him to be ID'd in the next 24hrs. Guys like that are the showy a**holes in the neighborhood and someone's going to put him on blast, trust.

  5. Fucking terrorist. Scumbag was walking around trying to frighten people.

    HE is the reason we need stricter gun control... When you abuse your freedoms just to scare people or try to look like a bad-ass.

  6. I'm actually shocked a black man would be that damn stupid.
    Chile, many black men get shot dead because they are suspected to have a gun.
    Oh but I guess since he's anti-Obama he gets a pass.
