Wednesday, August 5, 2009

So... Am I missing the Point here?

The Advocate has a long, but interesting article about Obama's actions towards the LGBT community. And while it speaks on nothing new, I have to wonder... What was the point of the article?

It's good, but it doesn't have much of new material.

I mean, if you have 6 pages tell me something new or provoking. Most of us (bloggers) have already said these things; so really, is this article to putting stuff in perspective or trying boost sales?

Please check it out and let me know what you think.

1 comment:

  1. It was a really long article. For a second I thought I was reading the New Yorker.

    I think, looking at it in the most idealistic way, it was a reflection piece on the administration so far taking everything in together; because it also brought together the different sides, say the Queerty and non-Queerty side, it potentially serves to bridge the gap a little.

    Interesting cover, especially since he was just on the cover a couple of months ago in much better light.

    (I seriously have to get on my blog on this before it becomes really old news.)
