Saturday, August 29, 2009

Shameful and Terrible News about our Country, Religion and Obama


  1. And all of it because Obama is viewed as black.

    I was rather astounded that a black man would be carrying an AR-15 and listening to Anderson. Talk about fucked up!

  2. BTW, the phone number for Pastor Andersons church has been disconnected.

  3. It is messed up, Tony. So messed up.

  4. It concerns me that they've invited him to be on CNN. He does not need to be given any attention. He needs to be arrested as well as anyone else who threatens the president. I'm so scared for the Obamas and hope with everything I have that nothing happens to them.

    This "pastor" calls himself a Christian! I wish Jesus existed and would go over there and bitch slap him.

  5. It is called intimidation to anything that is opposing to their views. As survivors of bigotry we know how to fight back. And the way that things are going it seems that their are going to be some casualties. A Yoruba prover, "those that know, do not die the same way than those that do not know." The key factor, we need to stay tuned and to keep our eyes and ears alert cause the hatred is real.

  6. This is disturbing on so many levels. I hope with all my heart that President Obama makes it through this term. I cried at inauguration partly from joy and partly because I feared that he would not live past his presidency. People like this need to be arrested. This hair splitting should stop. The guy is making thinly veiled threats on the president. I don't remember any other administration where they would have allowed some nut job with a loaded assault rifle that close to the president. This is ridiculous. I mean that guy couldn't have carried that into a courthouse but he's allowed to carry it to a meeting place with a political figure? Come on.

    Jackie from Obsouth

  7. it bothers me he selectively quotes the bible to justify his bigotry and hatred.

    people that get that into the whole religious thing frighten me.

    may i post a link to this on my blog?


  8. Came by via Joy. I share your concern.
