Sunday, August 23, 2009

Question of the Day

Dan Savage may get a show on HBO
A few Sloggers—and my boyfriend—are wondering why I've been in LA all month. I'm down here working on what's called "a non-airing presentation pilot for HBO." Or... "Savage Love," the (potential) TV show. According to a draft of press release that's sitting on my desk here at HBO—in my own office! with a lock on the door! I could be naked in here!—"Savage Love," the (potential) teevee show, "will focus on current events and cultural trends with sex as the filter." I'm hoping to bring a new kind of conversation to TV about sex—an honest conversation, one that's informed without being (too) wonky, funny without being (too) cruel, sexy without being (too) cheesy. Basically, my sex-advice column—but on the teevee!

So the question is... Would you watch it?


  1. Probably not. Savage as a tendency to be extreme for the sake of being extreme, and that's just when he is someone else's show or his slot at Slate. So I cannot imagine what it would be like for his own show.

    That and we are a prude nation, especially when it comes to gay sex, so I'm unsure how successful the endeavor would be if it gets pass the pilot.

  2. I would watch it, if it was like his column... He doesn't get into politics much on Savage Love, and I do think he gives pretty great sex advice.

    However, if he uses it an just another platform for political ranting, then I probably won't watch. I respect that he is passionate about his views, I just happen to not look at the world so glass-half-empty.

  3. I wouldn't... He's too self-righteous... I'm happy that he's happily married and has a family... But that lifestyle isn't for everyone... And then there was some sick thing he had going on against Ashton Kutscher (Kutcher?) There were times when Savage was a guest on Bill Maher where I had to turn away... I'd give him a try though... But I have serious doubts that he'd be the show for me!

  4. no he was one of the leading proponents that the black community was behind the Prop 8 debacle in California. he is best just talking about sex and relationships

  5. I can't watch (no HBO) but I think I would because A) he'd be the only gay man I can think of with a talk show on TV even if it is pay cable and I have to support that just like the fact I watch Logo even when it's bad.

    And B) he may have said some stupid stuff but maybe (MAYBE) will have people with opposing views on his show (I can't imagine the whole show would be him talking into a camera) who can challenge him to think outside the box... Maybe.

  6. I listen to Dan's show (the podcast)weekly. Mostly just for a good laugh and soemtimes he gives good advice and opens me to a way of seeing things I hadn't thought of.

    Earlier on his podcasts he would be compasionate and understanding of the folks who would call in to his show with questions. Now more often than not he is mean spirited and condescending to a large portion of them.

    If the Dan Savage of old gets a TV show, it could be interesting. If the newer Dan Savage does it could be hard to swallow. I don't think we need a bitter, gay Dr. Ruth on HBO. His best bet is to mix in politics and other subjects, maybe he wouldn't be as jaded on those topics as he is sex. I say this also because whenever I see him on Bill Maher I tend to enjoy him. He's a candid, intelligent, ballsy individual and he never backs down from idiots even if sometimes he's being a jerk when doing it.
