Monday, August 31, 2009

NOM's ethics are in Question in Iowa

So check this...NOM started their Reclaim Iowa Project, an initiative to push a constitutional amendment that would overturn gay marriage in the state.

They also footed $86,068 of ads for Grizzly Adams (Stephen Burgmeier), a cretin who wants to put gay marriage up to a vote. However, there's a issue the Iowa ethics officials found interesting. NOM is not considered a political group, but with such huge support of Stephen, they may be violating campaign finance laws. So the ethics group sent NOM a letter questioning their involvement.

The letter from the Iowa Ethics and Campaign Disclosure Board to NOM executive director Brian Brown, dated August 27, warns NOM that it will need to register as a political action committee if people make donations of more than $750 for “express advocacy activities.” It also clarifies that NOM will need to disclose its donors, in spite of the organization’s reported promise of anonymity to contributors.

“The independent expenditure process in Iowa is not a vehicle to shield political contributions,” says the letter.

NOM is also being questioned about its activities in Maine, where it provides support to Stand for Marriage Maine, the group that succeeded in placing a referendum on the new marriage equality law on the November ballot.

This group has other request for their financial records as well. You would think with Maggie's Ivy league degree, they would be prepared for this.
