Friday, August 28, 2009

New Cloverfield or just Wishful Thinking

You be the judge

Thanks, NG.

More here


  1. I enjoyed that move I want to see more. Maybe it will work if it is in another part of the world.

  2. Can't be... I really don't think it is. If it was "official" I don't think they wouldn't have included the Pinkberry shot in the background.
    But it is nice to see some Santa Monica Promenade in there.

  3. Sadly thinking of Cloverfield makes my tummy ache. I made the mistake of going to see it on opening night and didn't know it was shaky cam. Needless to say, I only actually say about 1/2-2/3 of it, the rest of the time I had my eyes and head pointed at the floor and between my knees. (Well, as close as my head can get to my knees anyway.)
    Hopefully any movies that have this effect will advertise that fact before us sensitve movie goers head to the theatre. I didn't get to see it all until it came out on video. Which sucked cause I really enjoyed it!!!
