Tuesday, August 25, 2009

My personal Letter to Pastor Steven L. Anderson

I wanted to be civil, but firm in my letter. I am posting this on his blog. He needs to know that his actions are vile and alarming.

I wanted you to know how appalling it is to hear so much hate in your sermons. I am trying to figure how you call yourself a man of God, while spitting out such vile mess about gays and President Obama.

Have no shame, Steven? Where do you think this is acceptable under God's word? As a pastor, you are suppose to be preaching on God's love, peace and unity, however it seems you have taken a myopic stance. You are a vessel of God, your sermons should not be about your personal agenda. The minute it becomes all about you, you have lost the point.

How do you think God will judge you? God would NOT condone your behavior at all! It is sick, divisive and far from what Jesus died for. You invoke violence, discord and hate, Steven! Do you realize that? Your children will be affected by this behavior and it will haunt them for most of their lives.

To stand there and preach this madness to your followers is clearly a disservice to them and your faith. What you are doing is the exact opposite of what Jesus would do. You have lost your way and you need to stifle yourself.

Steven, your actions are unacceptable and unjust. Think of your family, think of God, because if you continue, you will be 2 steps closer to Hell, honey.


  1. Preach it my brother! ;)

    Amen to every word

  2. LMAO @ your last line

    "Two steps closer to hell honey..." ROFL!
