Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Me and My Students

Besides being a deity, an Obama defender, blogger and socialist, I'm an Assistant Director of Residential Education.

This is this one of the highlights on my job...Advising student leaders. Here are the E-board of our university's RHA (Resident Hall Association for some of you non-Student Affairs folk).

Love my students, love my job!


  1. Great picture of you and your students! What a cutie you are! :-)

  2. Look how frickin hot you are! It must be becuase you like your job so much.

  3. Nice picture! That said, I have pity on you for working in academia.

    I only worked on the fringes of it (Alum and Devel) and one thing I found out, universities are amazingly stingy with pay.

  4. Thanks for the compliments, y'all.

  5. NYU has a similar position like yours that I was looking at post Master's.

    I remember the good old days of RHA, and I am advising ours here this year. Should be funny.

    Y'all looks so adorable and happy!

  6. How nice. V you look so perched and ready to serve it!

  7. I prefer you in your role of "deity". :) But I'm sure you also kick ass at your "day job".


    I want you to try and make it to NYC October 23-25 for the next Dust Bunny Weekend!!!!

  8. Of all the titles you hold this one means the most. It is wonderful to know these young people have such a wonderful person guiding them.
