Friday, August 21, 2009

Listen and Watch this Bastard, Pastor Steven Anderson


  1. Looks like he has a congregation of two. Stay tuned as his spot gets blown up, as folks start spilling the beans on him and his madness. The dirt digging has begun.

  2. Vyktor,
    I have to admit that sometimes I think these "movies" are SNL skits, but if they were they would be funny instead of sad.

  3. This man is a threat to common sense and a danger to freedom. It's sad that anyone can be this full of hatred. He's only fooling himself because when his time comes he'll be thrown into the pit with all the rest of these so called "Christians". He, much like Jerry Falwell, has a great many issues because he's unable to face his own sexuality. When will they learn that God is a loving being. She really doesn't care who we sleep with as long as we do no harm. Seems as if they pick and choose the "mortal sins" they come out against and ignore the ones they're guilty of themselves in the process. If they're going to quote Leviticus they need to realize they've got at least three fingers pointed back at themselves. What a TOOL

  4. If this guy thinks that his hate is just one side transit from him to others, he should reconsider, because pretty soon those chicken will come home to roost. And I will not be surprised if he ends up with a bullet right between his forehead.

  5. Fuck it yeah, lets "sodomize" America.

  6. It says a lot about how awful he is as a speaker, that I started to get bored just five minutes into his diatribe. What an intellectual lightweight. Any points he would have gotten from me based on looks, would evaporate once I got a glimpse at his soul. Are they meeting at a Holiday Inn Express common room?
