Thursday, August 20, 2009

Let's go to the Zombie Bar

We have gay bars, women only bars... and now we a Zombie bar!

In the Twin Cities, Donny Dirk's Zombie Den lives. This hot spot in getting much buzz about it's look and stiff drinks.
The stunning new interior comes straight out of a 1950s Las Vegas lounge (the classic part). The zombie stuff (i.e. the kitsch) is hilarious, and more nuanced than you'd expect from a bar named Donny Dirk's Zombie Den. In the corner, a small chainsaw sits inside a glass case that reads "In case of zombie attack, break glass." The bartenders all dress like Simon Pegg in "Shaun of the Dead" -- white button-up, red tie and blood stains. The friendly female servers wear long black gowns. Again: This is a classy zombie joint.

It looks fun and a bit daring. I wish we had this is L.A.


  1. I'll go check it out and let you know how it is!

  2. I hate to say it..but I think is a super idea & I wished I thought of it myself!
