Monday, August 10, 2009

Interesting Quotes: Joe Solmonese and John Aravosis

"I have no doubt it will be overturned. The administration views this in the context of the broader issues agenda they are working with Congress on, everything from the economy and health care to hate crimes. They see the overturning of 'don't ask, don't tell' along that spectrum as something that will likely happen next spring. ... And the administration is building a case in the military leadership and Congress and the rank-and-file members of the military."

Joe's statement about Obama dealing with DADT.

But Haterpants, John Aravosis is still sipping on that Haterade, saying:

I don't believe it for a minute, and I suspect more than a few people in Obamaland are going to freak when they hear about this.

John, jack-off or go take a nap already. Your foolishness is getting old.


  1. I've completely fallen off the gay rights movement's bandwagon. I support the good work that the President is doing and I get tired of the rhetoric.
    They do not speak for me anymore.

  2. I've learned to ignore those that are gay and detractors of knowledge because they seem to be more concerned with being assholes than constructive.
