Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Interesting Quote: Anne Rice

I’m delighted to comment. First off, I cannot confirm or deny the rumor. I have not received official word as to the truth of it yet. But I can say without hesitation that I love Robert Downey Jr. and I think he would make a fabulous Vampire Lestat. He is a major actor, a powerhouse of talent and personality, and he evinces an irrepressible and seductive charm. He would bring great energy and skill to the role. I would love to see this happen.

I’ve loved Robert Downey Jr. ever since I saw him in Restoration years ago, and I thought he was magical and powerful in Iron Man. —- So I hope the rumors are true. — I’ve posted on my Facebook “fan” page saying pretty much the same thing. Some are saying he is too old to play the part. This is absolutely not true. He is quite youthful. Besides, Lestat is a man when he is made into a vampire. A twenty year old man in the 18th century is the equivalent of an older man today. Age just shouldn’t be an issue here, not with an actor of this scope and charisma. — I’m thrilled at the prospect that this rumor might be true.

Anne on Robert possibly being Lestat


  1. I heard this the other day. Interesting.

  2. I wonder what book is being made into a movie? I could see him playing the role. Better than Tom Cruise.

  3. I love it! I love Anne Rice and I love Robert Downey Jr! I've been saying that he would be an excellent lestat from day one. RDJ has an exuberant personality and he's incredibly sexy...
    Besides, as Anne stated, back then when you were 20 you were on your way to 35. Those people did some hard livin.

    I would love them to remake the Queen of the damned. As much as I love Aaliyah that movie was just a horror.

  4. This franchise needs a reeeeeebooooot! I'd start from The Vampire Lestat, cos Interview With The Vampire was pretty much flawless.

  5. I like that photograph of her. Robert Downey is such an excellent actor that would be awesome!

  6. Robert is one of my top actors. He is definitely talented and has risen to the occasion of all the roles ive seen him in. Im just curious Which novel is being adapted now? The Vampire Lestat would be a great movie, but they took soo much of that book, changed it and included it in the horrible queen of the damned movie....Im very curious.

  7. The Queen of The Damned should get an asterisk. That movie does not count, in my opinion.
    The Vampire Lestat should be a larger than life epic...Much like its protaganist Lestat himself.
