Friday, August 28, 2009

I just saw Halloween 2 and...

I just saw Halloween 2... And I'm still trying to wrap my head around it. I didn't completely hate, but I didn't love it either.

However, I will keep my review semi-vague by using pros and cons

  • Love the use of the mother and the White Horse. Throughout the movie, you see Michael's mother in a ghostly haze pulling a white horse. It's suppose to be a symbol peace in Michael's head.
  • Rob's use of music is always great.
  • You felt the small town aura of Haddonfield and chill of the fall season.
  • Love Danielle Harris... She will always be Jamie.
  • Laurie was no Sidney Prescott. She was a bit whiny and boring. But the actress playing her is great.
  • It's a year later and Michael is coming back. But where did he go? Why did he leave? It didn't make since for him to leave town for a year without completing his dark mission.
  • He's shot in the head! How do you come back from that?
  • I understands that Michael kills to kill, but it seems Michael was killing to eat up the spare time in the flick. Some of his kills didn't make sense for the story's sake. (i.e. The stripper club scene, the van scene and the hillbilly scene)
  • Michael spent a good chunk of the flick just walking to Haddonfield and killing folks along the way... And eating a dog for a midnight snack.
  • This movie made a mockery out the Dr. Loomis character. I was highly disappointed in how he was portrayed. He was like Gale Weathers from Scream.
  • I hate the giant version of Michael Myers, I wish he was just above average build.
  • Although they tried to give Michael a purpose for killing, it was easily lost half way into the movie.
  • The opening dream scene was way too long.
  • Laurie goes insane in the end, which could've been drawn out better.
  • The feel of Halloween was not there. This was far removed from the original, and that wasn't a good thing.
There was something not so complete about this movie. I left the theater feeling cheated and teased. It could have been better and we could've gotten more. I hope this is it. I think this re-imagining thing has ran its course.


  1. I am seeing it today, but every review I have read sounds kike yours.


  2. he went to the strip club, because that was where his mother use to strip. he was gone TWO years. and it makes perfect sense. his mother had the perfect plan, and laurie had to be 'brought home' with michael and his mother at the RIGHT time. the white horse is in the bible, revelations, as white meaning evil, and of the four horsemen, the white one, representing death. so it comes out as evil death. there are 3 versions of this movie, one where laurie puts his mask on in the end, one where she grabs the knife, to stab loomis, and the cops shoot her down. and one, where laurie isnt going fucking nuts, and she isnt growing apart from annie, who acually believe it or not, was in halloween 4 and 5, as jamie, michael's cousin maybe?
    and the rreason michael killed throughout the 2nd one, and just random kills, not any purpose, was because he had to spill enough blood to be able to be brought home, with his mother, and laurie.
