Monday, August 24, 2009

I didn't know Log Cabin Republicans went to Circuit Parties, Charles Moran

After watching the CNN clip several times, I am very curious about Mr. Charles Moran. He's the spokesperson for the Log Cabin Republicans who gave us the line:
"The issue of being an advocate means you actually have to do something. And unfortunately all we've seen from the White House and the Obama administration is more rhetoric and not a lot of action. In fact the most we've gotten is a little bit of a circuit party with a Madonna remix in the East Room of the White House and unfortunately that just doesn't cut it."
Really? It's very interesting that Charles talks about the little things they are doing, but seriously what have you really done for the LGBT community?

Putting out press releases and jumping in late on the "Gay Marriage train" doesn't make you fierce advocates at all.

I would like to see LCR really go after their party. So far, I haven't seen much. If LCR wants street cred, they need to get their party on board. Don't try to jump on the bandwagon and go after Obama. Hell, you didn't do anything against Bush and waited until McCain lost before you really start talking. So, stop playing.

Being tardy for the "Gay Marriage" party don't cut it either, Charles.


  1. Miss thing there has to get real. Her face alone deserves a smack. Who is she kidding.

  2. Don't be tardy for the party!!! LOL!!

  3. What if the Democrat Party had been taken over? How would you respond? Most say, "I would leave the party." That is not my way, nor is it the way of Log Cabin. We have been working for change for over 30 years. You don't know what we have been doing. Check out our website.
