Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Get'em Barney!


  1. Yeah - his takedown of that bitch was priceless.

    I posted on my blog that I saw my first Obama=Fascist. I think you read the post already. I just cannot believe people can have lived through Bush/Cheney and call this fascism.

  2. These people don't believe obama is a fascist. You cannot live through Bush/Cheney and sincerely believe that.
    The problem they have with Obama is as plain as the COLOR of the nose on his face.

  3. I just love him! More Dems need to grow some and speak out and pass that health care bill! I swear we do this every time! Roll over and just let things happen.

  4. Mr. English, I would actually disagree with you in a way. I think it is both. The sincerely think Obama is a fascist, and have a problem with their skin.

    To them Bush and Cheney were Holy Crusaders.

    I heart Barney Frank, and wish he was my representative. I only wish more Democrats were like him, because he is one of the few liberals that can put Republicans in their rightful place.

  5. Wow....I have no words....
