Monday, August 24, 2009

Get a new schtick, Michelangelo Signorile and Charles Moran !

So, on CNN, Michelangelo Signorile and Charles Moran was talking about "Oh, Obama doesn't love us" mess again. Yes, like Obama doesn't have enough going on and here they are acting as if there's nothing else happening in our country.

We are dealing with the health care crisis, folks carrying guns at town hall meetings, and preachers willing to have us killed for Jesus and all you can talk about is how the White House is slow on its promises?

Michelangelo and Charles, I know y'all are passionate about us, I am too, but we ain't amazons in Paradise Island. We are a part of this country and a part of this crisis. These issues affect us too!

I'm almost hurt to watch this clip because it's like NOTHING else matters but DADT and DOMA.
Michelangelo and Charles, get off your high-heeled horse for 2 seconds. Sitting up there, talking about "Madonna remix in the East Room of the White House", comes off like you two are way out of touch with the bigger picture.

Get off the horse and get over yourselves.


  1. I see your point. However, I am also very aware that when it comes to LGBT rights the white house has a long history of looking the other way. It happen with Clinton, when he used to speak very paternalistic to the LGBT community but ineffective on his policy towards the queer contingent. And now is happening with Obama.

    What I find most interesting, is that now Charles Moran from the Log Cabin Republicans, can claim that they are now challenging the law on DOMA. When Bush was in power they did very little to challenge him, as a matter of fact I thought they went back into their closets or hiding on a log cabin way in the mountains. Here again you have a Democratic Gay organization that can not really defend the President of his treatment on the queer community, and a very opportunistic organization like the Log Cabin cashing with the rest of the republican party to damage this administration. Cause if the log cabin were so intended to do something they could have done it when Georgie Bush was in office, and they didn't. I am also taking notice that CNN is so eager to bring this up, and again when Bush was dictating not governing, you seldom was CNN challenging or questioning his adinistration.

  2. So what you're saying is that Obama isn't good enough to handle more than one issue at once?

  3. Anti-gay preachers and People bring assault rifles and guns is not Obama's problem; it's the Secret Service and the local police. As for the first, the President said he's able to multitask, so the idea that gays should wait until things are better is BS.

  4. It's been my experience, by the way, that the people who often say now is not the right time or I'll get around to it, never do.

  5. I understand there is a trust factor and we shouldn't have to wait. But when they get on TV and just say the same stuff over and over again, it just feels like they are out of touch with bigger picture.

    If either of them had something new to say, I would understand. But they don't, they are just talking.

    And yes, the president can multi-task, but when it comes to our rights and health care, I would rather Obama to focus directly on each issue so he can get it right the first time

  6. And yes, the president can multi-task, but when it comes to our rights and health care, I would rather Obama to focus directly on each issue so he can get it right the first time

    It's a little late for that.
