Tuesday, August 18, 2009

F**K You, Black Coalition against Gay Marriage!

I knew this day would come and now, here it is.

The Black Coalition against Gay Marriage is threatening President Obama. They claim if he supports the repeal of DOMA, he would lose the Black vote.
The Black Coalition against Gay Marriage have sent a letter to President Obama, in effect, warning him not to endorse marriage between same-sex couples or risk losing much of his African American support base.
The coalition, which includes the veteran civil rights the group Congress of Racial Equality (CORE), Concerned African-American Pastors and other religious organizations, is particularly worried about Obama’s intentions regarding the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA).”

Meanwhile, a question remains as to how effectively the Coalition can deliver on its warning to undermine the president’s support base. Most major civil rights groups either support much of the gay rights agenda or remain officially neutral on the issue of homosexual marriage. And CORE, while a veteran group in the Civil Rights Movement, has become increasingly conservative in recent years and has largely been pushed to the fringes of the modern civil rights effort

Oh, how they are naive. Are they claiming that he would lose Black votes? The first Black(somewhat) President? So foolish.

I'm glad they believe we will turn own backs on him that easy. It silly to believe he will lose a huge chunk of us, some, but not a lot. How dare they send a letter? Thinking they are worth much.

So, Black Coalition against Gay Marriage thank you for trying to divide our community, start drama and create foolishness! You are wasting your time and efforts. Truly do the Lord's work by really helping folks in need. Or shut the Frak up!

I want to see this letter.


  1. Sorry honey, but he won't lose this black man's vote...Not if he has an ultra successful first term!

    I echo your thread title Wonder Man.

  2. Oh hell nah. I plan to get married one day they can kiss my ass!

  3. This news is just crazy. How can a collation speak for the entire black population. Come on!

    Why can't we all just get along?

  4. Are they really claiming to speak for the entire black community..this is nonsense..and yeah id love to see the letter in its entirety.

  5. Well lets remember, this is a fringe conservative group, despite their progressive history.

    I think they might be able to sway some ultra conservative Black clergyman, but the vast majority will still vote for him.

    Also, Black people knew where they voted for him Obama's position on gay rights--and he was arguably much more in public about than he is now.

    Nevertheless, I enjoy when groups that clearly do not have the say start to do this.

  6. They need to be reminded that the christian right is as racist never before. And in their believe white is the way to heaven.
