Saturday, August 8, 2009

First Look: True Blood's Queen Sophie-Ann

We will see her in action on August 30th


  1. She looks pretty hot... I've always liked her, even though the gossip queens talk shit about her.

  2. August 30th is so far away, and it's opening for us so I'm probably going to miss it.

    She is really attractive, I can only imagine how old her character is in the show to be queen.

    And by the way, I love how TrueBlood is slowly turning into soft-core porn with a story.

  3. J. Clarence--What show are you watching!!?? It has always been soft-core porn with a story!! ;)

    I wish we could learn more about the cultural origins of vampirism on the show. I doubt it was born in America. So it would be interesting to see older vamps(more powerful) from other continents.

    I'm also not sure if they go into that in the books. Haven't read that far and probably won't.

  4. Jesus I need to get HBO. I've never seen an episode of true blood.

  5. @ToddyEnglish, start with renting the first season on DVD, through Netflix or something like that. Trust me, you will be hooked!
