Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Ernest Hancock is an Asshole x 2

You that fool that showed up at Obama's speech in Arizona? Well, he was planted there by Ernest Hancock.

Yes, Ernest Hancock.

He's a crazy online radio host who admitted to Rick Sanchez that he staged whole event.
Hancock appeared on Rick Sanchez's CNN show this afternoon. After explaining a few details about the interview, including the tidbit that he's known 'Chris' (the man with the AR-15) for two years because of their mutual work for Ron Paul, the CNN host said "the more we look into this, the more it appears that it was really planned."

"Oh, it's more planned than you think," Hancock responded. He then let loose with a string of details, including how Hancock contacted the Phoenix police department days before the event and how he was partially motivated to do so because of the controversy surrounding William Kostric, the man armed with a gun outside of Obama's town hall in New Hampshire last week.

Really? I mean, this was planned and the cops thought it was cute to do? I think someone should investigate this mess. These actions just don't sit well with me at all! I can't believe the cops were cool with this! And this Ernest is a walking asylum. Just check out his website here

He is a timebomb and something to be concerned about.



  1. You're right about a time bomb, but it isn't Ernest Hancock, it's the national debt.

    I don't know about you, but I'm not arrogant enough to think that I am above the wisdom of the founders and the bill of rights.

  2. So I have to ask, why isn't BATF, FBI, et al looking into this asshat?

  3. Mike, what makes you think Ernie Hancock is a founder, much less an expert on the Bill of Rights? He's a noisy, arrogant man who thinks he has all the answers. He doesn't discuss, he doesn't listen, he just repeats the same things over and over and over. I agree with him on some things, but I would never want to see him in a position of civil authority. He would certainly abuse it, because he knows that he, and only he, is RIGHT.

  4. Or maybe you're just a political bigot.

    If you ever get the chance, you should sit down to dinner with Ernie Hancock. As a "proud black gay man" you will find that you have no more fervent supporter in Arizona.
