Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Do we Want a Dark Superman movie?

I don't, but possible director for the next Superman flick, James McTeigue seems to think so...

"I think it's good that they just had a court case where, basically, if you make another Superman movie, you can't touch Superman growing up—that's part of the story that you can't touch any more," he previously said. "That wouldn't be a bad thing. I think everybody's a bit sick of seeing the origin story."

Without the aid of an origin story and with an eye towards a darker film, what kind of story would McTeigue tell in a "Superman" movie? The filmmaker was understandably light on the details, but he did offer a suggestion on how to approach Kal-El's next adventure.

"You need to take it and retool it," he said. "Make it something that appeals to audiences now a little more.

I don't think you need to retool Superman. They have 1000s of stories to choose from. Don't try to make Supes into Batman or Wolverine. It's blasphemy!


  1. I agree. Keep Superman, Superman. There are so many stories to be told. They don't have to skew off into another direction!

  2. I don't know about "dark", but I'd certainly say Superman needs to be a bit more badass.

    I mean, when Superman is being rinsed like this in this article: , you know something needs to be done.

  3. Didn't they already do a dark Superman? It was called Batman Retur..I mean Superman Returns. :)

  4. Nooooooooooooooo!!!
    Superman does not need an edge. That is what I adore about him! He's a boy scout and truly sincere about making the world a better place. Stop it! Stop it! Don't bastardize my favorite hero!
