Monday, August 10, 2009

Do We REALLY know Anything about The National Equality March?

The National Equality March is coming soon and for some reason, I'm not feeling it. This march feels rushed and haphazardly put together.

All I know is Cleve Jones is leading it. But is there a true plan or a focus to this event? Having a yard full of gays is cute, but with no tangible agenda, it's just a yard full of gays.

So I have some questions about this march
  • Who speaking at this event? Do they have a diverse mix of people speaking like: NAACP, lesbian groups, allies, NOW?
  • What will be the message? We are all over the place when it comes to our cause and purpose. I hope they get their overall message though.
  • Who's sponsoring this event? We still don't know who's all in it and who's backing this march. It just does not make sense that there's a lack of sponsorship here. Hell, there more sponsorship at the Folsom Street fair and the circuit parties.
  • Who are the folks involved in the planning? Again, all I know is Cleve and his buddies. Were other groups invited to help?
  • Where are the ads or promotion? I'm hearing about this through Queerty, and I'm shocked that Queerty is talking about it. The Million Man March was heavily promoted months before hand. Where is the news?
  • They want to call for the repeal of the classics: DOMA & DADT, but how realistic is that? What will this march do to push that goal over the edge? The White House already knows how the LGBT community feels, will this march make a difference?
  • Where will the money raised from this event go? The website says the money will go to scholarships for youth and low-income groups. But which ones?
Now, I'm not trying to knock it. I'm just trying to understand the purpose. I'm beginning to think this should pushed back until we get all the support needed to be successful. I'm not sure if we are on the same page and with the lack of interest from many LGBT folks and groups, this could be an omega fail.


  1. I have already said,in the words of Jennifer Hudson "I Am Telling You (I am Not Going)"!!

  2. hahaha...

    What Mad Professah said. (lol)
