Thursday, August 27, 2009

Alan Colmes takes on Steve L. Anderson

This man won't quit.

Alan Colmes talked to Steven on his radio show and proved that Steven needs healing or an ass whoppin'.

Steven, I'm not a predator. I'm cute, high maintenance and full of moxie, but a predator... no not me.


  1. Straight by default! Oh that is special.

    It really got good at the end when Stevie killed his own Old Testament argument...I have to look up this passage in Hebrews.

  2. he needs that ass whooped now where is my cowboy belt! gonna knock him out!

  3. I think we can close the discussions about homosexuality if we look to it from a health security point of view. It is proved that homosexuality causes lots of very very dangerous diseases......and as I expect it will be proven in the future that homosexuality is dangerous and even more dangerous than drugs.

  4. It's already gone! I missed it. You have another link to it you can dig up?
