Saturday, July 4, 2009

Rob Liefeld is Hatin on Shatterstar and Rictor hooking up

As most of us comic book geeks rejoice over the Shatterstar and Rictor kiss, some folks don't. Especially, one of the original artists and creator of Shatterstar, Rob Liefeld.
Rob Liefeld isn’t happy about the latest plot development involving Shatterstar, the Marvel superhero he introduced 18 years ago.

Last week’s X-Factor #45 ended years of speculation, and in-story hints, about the relationship between Shatterstar and Rictor by showing the former X-Force teammates — both C-list players in the X-Men universe — reuniting with a kiss.

On his blog, X-Factor writer Peter David assured fans the development “isn’t a fake out.”

Liefeld, however, wishes otherwise.

“… I have nothing against gays, I have gay family, nuthin’ but love here,” he wrote on his message board (registration required). “Ditto gay characters if that’s what their true origins are.

“As the guy that created, designed and wrote his first dozen appearances, Shatterstar is not gay. Sorry. Can’t wait to someday undo this. Seems totally contrived.”

Created by Liefeld and Fabian Nicieza, Shatterstar debuted in New Mutants #99 (March 1991) before becoming a fixture of X-Force when the series launched a few months later.

Seems totally contrived, Rob? We can say that about your art as well.



  1. And Wolverine was originally meant to be an evolved dog...sometimes things chnage for the better Rob, and there's a reason you don't work at Marvel anymore!

  2. You made those characters for Marvel, they belong to them and they can do whatever they want with them, and as i said before i have always thought Ric, Shatterstar, and Rahne were Rainbow children....

  3. Rob needs to quit his bitching and get back to drawing his Bible stories (where, presumably, the characters have no visible feet).

  4. Peter David, the writer who wrote the story where Shatterstar's sexuality is revealed, has responded to Liefeld's displeasure in the comments section of the article:

    Originally Posted by Peter David
    I understand that some parents have the same reaction. They were responsible for their children’s first appearances and, when informed of their sexual persuasion, firmly declare it’s impossible, they can’t be gay.

    I find particularly distressing Rob’s contention that Shatterstar can’t possibly be gay because he’s a warrior. That might come as a bit of a shock to Alexander the Great. For that matter, among his assortment of gay friends, I suppose Rob has none in the military since of course gays aren’t allowed to serve unless they keep their mouths shut. Perhaps Rob would like to see “don’t ask, don’t tell” implemented in the Marvel universe.


  5. Rob Liefeld should worry about learning how to draw first...
    All of his characters look exactly the same (and their anatomy is ALWAYS way off)...
    Sorry Rob. Your IMAGE comics brigade went bust (because they weren't comic books...They were just glorious splash pages, no substance whatsoever)so don't come back thinking you can bogart Marvel comics.

  6. @Son of Baldwin for the Peter David quote- GO PETER DAVID!!! Nice!!
