Monday, July 27, 2009

Question of the Day: Prop 8 style

Y'all, I feel a mess coming on in Cali.

  • There's some huge disagreements about when to repeal Prop 8 and if we should wait another year or two.

  • Then there's in-fighting between Prepare to Prevail, Equality Calfornia, the Courage Campaign, and Love Honor Cherish about the next steps.

  • The non-support and then wanting to support the federal case to repeal Prop 8.

  • Also we have folks like David Mixner sounding off about different strategies.

With all of this malarkey, I can't help but to think we are our own worst enemy, but here is my question.

As this mess continues to steal the fight from our cause... Are we in danger of losing it all?

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