Wednesday, July 8, 2009

New Plan: Using Straight Allies to Repeal DADT

Is this a good plan?


  1. I think it's a good idea. Simple common sense proves that a great deal of gay rights depends on education. Not the false education so often provided by so called "independent surveys and studies", because more often than not, those things appear to be skewed by the folks that are paying for them. The simple basic communication between two humans often makes the difference about the message getting through. I for one am grateful for every voice raised in any sort of education. Be it about gay rights or the fate of a protected species. All in all soldiers can so often relate to each other like nobody else can. Those that truly have a problem with it can so often change their minds, simply by trying to be a good citizen ,who happens to be gay, has managed to loosen a few less than open minds in my immediate vicinity. Something about brothers and sisters in arms seems to help quite a bit as well.

  2. I think it's a good idea. Having non-GLBT military personnel begins to chip away at the idea that ALL straight soldiers would not be able to work along side a openly GLBT colleague.

    We keep hearing the voices of the homophobes against the voices of the GLBT. We now need to hear the voices of straight folks that have evolved beyond the hate.

    The voices of hate give the illusion of power because they are vocal and visible. If more people stand up for what is right for themselves and for people that are different from them, we can begin to create change.

  3. It's an excellent idea! But it's not like there won't be any gay voices along on the tour.
