Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Moose Mess still has it

This is a mess, but what can you expect from Repubs.

According to USATODAY, this heifer still has some clout.
Two-thirds of Republicans want Palin, the party's vice presidential nominee in 2008, to be "a major national political figure" in the future. Three-fourths of Democrats hope she won't be.

The findings underscore how polarized opinions of Palin were even before Friday's surprise announcement. Seven in 10 polled say their views weren't affected by her decision. Among those whose opinions shifted, Democrats by a 4-1 ratio and independents by 2-to-1 view her less favorably. Republicans are somewhat inclined to see her more favorably.

Good lord, can't she be stopped?


  1. She's a quitter, no matter how she spins it, and the Dems will play that up for all it's worth.
    I heard someone say on one of those Sunday politicky shows that she can't even run for office and call herself a one-term governor because she couldn't even do that.
    She's her own worst enemy, though I so wanted it to be me.

  2. Where's Dorothy and a bucket of water when you need her!

  3. Me, too, Bob.

    She's incompetent, incoherent, and ignorant. We live in a land of idiots!

  4. One can only hope that one of these days, her idiocy will be fully realized by those repubs who still support her.

  5. I'm not buying it. I'm curious about the demographics of the folks they polled on the Republican side.

    I truly believe that the top-tier Republican set want nothing to do with her. They were appalled by her performance, and didn't care for the crowd she attracted. Moreover, they realized she's not a good puppet for the puppetmasters to manipulate.

    With that said, we still haven't heard the REAL reason she resigned. I'm thinking when the other shoe drops on her hot mess of a situation, she is going to be over and done with.

    She's not one built for public office. Most megalomaniacs run out of patience and self-implode in the world of politics.

    I see her making the conservative, tailgating, monster car circuit spewing her venom. She's going for the fame and fortune. This is the real danger she can unleash across the country. She's wants to plant the seeds of contempt for anything that isn't str8, right-wing, and anointed by the hand of her version of god.
