Tuesday, July 7, 2009

A few Performances from Michael's Memorial


  1. I didn't like Mariah's performance. I understand she was upset, but nah...and Usher was good until the end with his contrived crying fit. That struck me as fake.

    If you hadn't cried throughout the ceremony, Paris let the tears flow. I broke down a few times...Stevie, Marlon...OMG Marlon had me sooooobing.

    Truly a befitting send off for MJ.

  2. Marlon, Stevie, and Brooke Shields had me crying, too. And good grief so did Al Sharpton!

  3. Ian, don't even get me started on Ursha...lol. I thought I was the only one who thought he was a big phony...lol.

    John Mayer was my highlight though. Oh my goodness he was making that guitar cry. What a creative stroke of genius. I never thought of human nature as a guitar song, but that was just BRILLIANT. I LOVED him.

    I also loved Jermaine. I honestly have a new found adoration for him. He's been the glue holding the family together.
