Friday, July 10, 2009

Fake man of the Cloth, Bishop Harry Jackson is STILL continuing his Foolishness

Bishop Harry Jackson needs a meaningful life. He is still trying to stop gay marriage recognition in D.C.!

He's obsessed with us and our lives!

After being shot down and just made a fool of, he pulls one last piece of mess from his ass.

He's going try to gain 21, 000 signatures to put the gay marriage recognition bill up for a referendum in the November 2010 ballot.

This is what he said:
"The reality is we've got to start now. We need help from the grassroots. We need finance. We need volunteers coming in. We need people who are going to start the battle to collect the signatures at the end of the summer. So, all of that has to happen right now."

Harry, brother...What are you doing? You are misguided and obsessed with this battle. There are other issues in D.C. to deal with...Poverty, education, housing...Use your resources on the things that matter to the people.

Our happiness is not a threat to the moral fiber of D.C., however your relentless actions to stop gay marriage is distorting you and your message. No one asked you to do this, in fact, there's no need to.

So get yourself together and serve the people in your church. If you can't deal with our happiness, then that's your drama and you need to deal with that. No man of God should be fighting to deny rights from others. That mess, Harry, goes against everything you stand for. You should remember the oath or whatever you took when you became a bishop.


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