Monday, July 13, 2009

ACLU is coming for Chico's Tacos

ACLU in Texas are coming for Chico’s Tacos and the El Paso police. In fact, they are demand full inquiry into the crazy incident with the dumbass cop and the kiss that destroyed Texas.

Here's what ACLU had to say
"We’re extremely concerned that the actions of the restaurant employees and the El Paso police may have violated the law," said ACLU of Texas legal director Lisa Graybill. "The City of El Paso prohibits restaurants from refusing service to anyone based on their sexual orientation, and the police should have enforced that ordinance.”

The group of men was reportedly at Chico’s on June 29, when they were asked to leave by private security guards who saw two of the men kissing. According to news reports, the guards told the men that “faggot stuff” wasn’t allowed in the restaurant. Police were called to the scene by both parties, but instead of assisting the men, the responding officer reportedly threatened to cite them for “homosexual activity.” Police reportedly told the men that same-sex kissing was forbidden in public.

"It is absolutely shocking that an El Paso police officer would be so poorly trained on the law," said ACLU of Texas staff attorney Fleming Terrell. "No such prohibition exists under city, state or federal law, nor would the Constitution permit it."

Hopefully this will be and turning point for Texas' backwoods thinking. They do need a cultural make-over.


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