Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Rob Williams and Arnie States encourages Bullying of Transgender Kids

This is horrible news! Rob Williams and Arnie States, from the radio show, Rob, Arnie, and Dawn in the Morning on KRXQ 98.5 FM Sacramento, acted as sh**heads when discussing transgender children. The basis of the conversation stemmed from an Omaha family raising a gender dysphoric child who wants to change genders (male to female).

Well, instead of being supportive or providing something useful to the discussion, these sons of a jackals just called them names like: "idiots," freaks," and had "a mental disorder that just needs to somehow be gotten out of them," by shock therapy.

And there's more

"Allowing transgenders to exist, pretty soon it becomes normal to fall in love with the animals," they said.

For his part, States bragged that if his own son were to ever dare put on a pair of high heels, States would beat his son with one of his own shoes. He urged parents whose own little boys expressed a desire to wear a dress to verbally abuse and degrade them as a viable response. "Because you know what? Boys don't wear high heel shoes. And in my house, they definitely don't wear high heels.

"I'm going to go, 'You know what? You're a little idiot! You little dumbass!'" States sneered, adding later, "I look forward to when [the transgender children] go out into society and society beats them down. And they wind up in therapy."

Or dead.

Oh, wait...

"I'm not open-minded once I look into sumpin'" one of the two men grunted at the beginning of the segment, their voices interchangeable. "I have every right to call you a freak and judge you on that. It makes me sick. 'Mommy, I'm a girl trapped in a boy's body,'" he simpered, mimicking an effeminate little boy. "I want to wear a dwess."

They berated co-host Dawn Rossi, who seemed genuinely horrified by the rising crescendo of ugliness towards the children and their parents from States and Williams.

"You're actually defending allowing people to become freaks?" they seethed. "A boy who wants to wear a dress is a freak. A nut." Comparing transgender children to "fat bastard kids on Maury," States and Williams urged advocates of transgender children to "stop hiding behind research and laws," whose authority they wholeheartedly reject. Braying with the certitude of the jubilantly ignorant, States and Williams revealed to listeners that "transgenders [sic] did not exist four decades ago," apparently unaware of the historical fact that transgender individuals have existed in every culture throughout recorded history, including in native American cultures where the "two spirited" were revered as teachers, healers, and shamans.

I can't believe they were allowed to be so careless with their words. Who is the manager or director of this mess? I'm actually going to email them today and let them know this was unacceptable and in utterly wrong, especially after the recent suicides of the 3 young boys.

Shame on you, f**kwads!

Here's a Call to Action release from GLADD

1 comment:

  1. Careless in their words? Chile that's an UNDERSTATEMENT. If this kind of hate speech had been levied at ANYONE else then their show might have been pulled off the air.
    That was just sick and disgusting.
