Monday, June 1, 2009

The Real New Moon Trailer

If I keep posting this...I could be tricked into seeing this movie


  1. Aw V, give it a chance. I admit it's geared towards 'tweens and teens, but yet ever so delightful. I read the books. Not the best literary stuff I've come across, "Buffy-lite" as folks are calling it these days, but this looks promising...

  2. Yeah, I'm with Ian. It's a good storyline, I mean really; there's much worse out there. It's got a lot of really good looking people in it and the storyline is not bad. To me any sort of vampyre werewolf storyline is worth watching. It's just an other fantasy to add to the lists of what many of us wish we could actually live. lol

  3. Did they all talk like zombies in the first movie like they do in this trailer?

    I read the books and hated them (cheesy romance novels) but did get caught up in the story. I hated the last book the most. I read them because of my granddaughter.

  4. Lol, Joy, yes unfortunately they did. But as movies geared for teen audiences go they're decent. No profanity, gratuitous sex violence etc. Definately not for everyone, and if you don't like the books the movies will back that up. They stay pretty close to them. More so than most books made screenplays. My sister allows my niece to read the books and she rarely approves of anything due to her religious beliefs. I have to admit, I dig the ones I've read to date. But I love cheese. :P

  5. HAHA PAPER CUT! How ridiculous. And that is the worst werewolf I have ever seen on screen. Ever.

  6. My daughter not only let her teenage daughters read them but loved them herself. She also thought Brittany Spears was just fine early on! They are Baptists (I am not), so it surprises me that it's OK for them to read about co-dependent Bella and stalker Edward and that creepy imprinting with Jacob and her baby but not Harry Potter. Besides, who wants to stay 18? 25 is better.

    Stephanie Meyer's writing is really bad but popular. That happens. J. K. Rowling is an excellent storyteller and writer. I'm glad they're reading but wish they recognized good writing. I'm a retired English teacher (and also taught creative writing). Oh well.
