Monday, June 22, 2009

Question of the Day

Did you ever have a hot teacher or coach in your school days?


  1. Junior High School. I had the biggest crush on the PE teacher! Dayum!

  2. Sadly, no. Looking back, I now realize I had a lesbian in 7th grade and 9th grade. The 9th grade teacher was great to me. The 7th grade, not so much.

  3. Oh yeah. In Junior high I had this guy named Coach Suarez. Granted, his face was weird but his body was off the damn CHAIN! He was average but thickly and manly built...
    Kinda hairy too. He used to wear these shorts that showed off his legs and thighs. Oh my god...He had these big juicy ham hock thighs that I used to fantasize about!

  4. Yes I did. He was a guidance counselor at LaSalle Academy who shall remain nameless.

    Imagine my surprise seeing him a few years after I graduated high school at the local gym, in the shower room no less.

  5. Oh yes! Junior high it was Mr.Nororian and in high school Mr. McJukin!
