Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Question of the Day: Perez Hilton Edition

Y'all heard the news about Perez and his attack, and his slur to and his crying rant on video.

But I've noticed, no one's coming to his rescue or defending him. In fact, he's getting the short end of the stick from the gays.

With no gay support in sight, I have to wonder...Is this the beginning of the gay blackballing of Perez Hilton?

Or is this karma?

And when did become a thug?


  1. I won't defend him after his use of the word "faggot" which he, himself, describes as the most hateful thing he could call someone.
    Really, Perez? Calling someone gay is a hateful thing.
    Self-loathing poser.
    And I won't defend him after he spent months leading the charge to fire Isaiah Washington from Grey's Anatomy for using the word "faggot."
    Did he deserve to get punched? Of course not.
    But just as he says he couldn't control himself from hurling an anti-gay epithet at, whoever hit probably couldn't hold back either.
    Two wrongs do not make a right.

  2. I am glad it happened. It was a long time coming.Granted, I am not an advocate of violence. However, Perez is a jerk. I'm surprised Will didn't beat him down to be quite honest.

    Perez is belligerent. He's trashy. And he goes out of his way to be cruel to people that he doesn't even know personally.

    I've said it a million times before and I'll say it again. Perez Hilton is the embodiment of a loser scorned in highschool by all of the cool kids. Now, he has made it his mission in life to attack anyone whom he percieves as popular and pretty (e.g. Hollywood celebs). He wants them to suffer for not embracing him. But who wants to "play" with a catty bitch like him? He could easily take the Barbara Walters approach (celebs willingly spill their guts to her)but chooses malice instead.

    Granted, Hollywood celebs are always gonna be tabloid fodder. It just comes with the territory.
    BUT Perez is just mean.

    Yes, he deserved it. I wish I had done it to be quite honest. Will I Am deserves a medal of honor.

  3. I can understand hating Perez. There's nothing in the gay playbook that says we gays have to get along with one another - and we don't.

    What is disconcerting though are the lies and distortions being told about Perez.

    For example -

    First line: Perez Hilton isn't apologizing for using a gay slur.

    That's an outright lie.

    Second one, some people are ungaying him.

    That's insane.

  4. By the way, it's also rather hypocritical of people to feign outrage over Perez saying the F word, as if Perez was the only gay person to demean other gays in that manner.

    B U L L S H I T.

    We do it all the time to one another. We do it in snark and in jest and alot of times out of hate and malice.

  5. God! The whining. Cry me a river already.

    I agree with everything Bob and Toddy had to say. As gay men, sure we've all occasionally used "fag" as an endearing, playful term towards one another, but never out of malice (most of the time). But Perez's intention was to hurt and destroy. And I have nothing but respect for

    Shame on you Perez! Talk outta both sides of your face much?

    I've never understood why people follow this man religiously. He says nasty comments about anyone and everyone...God please help your child! He needs you more than evah!

    And people think Dorion Standberry (from BET's College Hill series for those who still don't know who he is) getting hacked was a publicity stunt??? Please! What is Perez doing here? Crying for more attention. "Look at me! Look at me! I got beat up by Boohoo Boohoo!" He never once admits his culpability in the situation.

    Its disgusting and repugnant. I do hope the LGBT community wises up and stops giving accolades to this man's foolishness. Give me a break! Enough already. I'm tired of hearing about it. Next story.

  6. I agree with Bob and Toddy, I don't think anyone would just punch him unprovoked. And just because he's gay, it doesn't mean we'd have to take his side automatically. I'm convinced that being gay is the only thing I have in common with him. At the end, I'm sure both parties got what they deserved.

  7. if Perez (Mario) got any kind of beat down, then i think most people would admit that he had it coming
