Saturday, June 20, 2009

Question of the Day: Is Meghan McCain the Future of the GOP?

Or a Cylon

I think a Cylon


  1. I actually like her, because she speaks her truth whether the Repougs like it or not.
    As for their 'future,' I worry that there are too many old white male Repugs to let her get too far.

  2. Ha! Cylon... Hmm.

    I kinda hope she is the future of the GOP, at least on social issues.

  3. If she is the future of the GOP then lord...I may be a Republican someday! Ooohh..I got stomach cramps just typing it! I tend to agree with the Republicans on fiscal issues but never on social issues. I believe in spending less, but investing more in our youth and their future and our welfare.

  4. If she is, she needs to think things thru a bit better; last night, she had her ass handed to her by Paul Bergalla.

  5. Not being a geek but just the mother of one, I googled Cylon and realize why I don't know what they are.

    She's refreshing and might help get more reasonable people into the party. I'd like to see it change for sure.
