Monday, June 1, 2009

Question of the Day: Are we Prepared for a Civil Rights Movement?

We have all heard about how the gay rights movement is the same as the African-American civil rights movement. I go back and forth with this issue a lot. I believe they are similar, but not the same. I’ll touch on that another time.

However, my question of the today is this…Are we really ready for a civil rights movement?

Last week, I attended 2 important gay rights rallies in Los Angeles. And while the message was loud and clear, I was not completely convinced that we were ready. Here’s why I’m feeling what I’m feeling.

· The civil right movement was more than celebs speaking at an event or a few marches. It was a real grassroots movement. Everyday people spoke and the validity of their words wasn’t questioned. Everyone was welcomed to participate and give what they could.

· Back then, people knew that change was hard. We shall overcome was more than a song, it was an anthem for hope. It was a true example of faith that one day, things would be different. Now, it seems that folks want a microwave version of change. The idea of hope is almost a fantasy and if some people don’t see the “change” happening fast enough, they are ready to turn the backs on their leaders and whine.

· Back in the day, folks risked everything to make change happen. They went into the “Whites Only” neighborhoods, they planned sit-ins and boycotts. People were attacked by dogs, bombed, constantly harassed during these rallies and murdered. They knew that they could die from these events and yet, they kept on going.

Our fight for civil rights will not be easy. We need to ask ourselves: Are we ready for that? Are we willing to go the extra, extra mile? Do we have faith in the act of change?

We have to see that this movement is bigger than DOMA and DADT. This will take everything we got and then some. I have questioned myself lately about my commitment to the cause. I realized that it’s going to get deep and I got to be ready. Because it’s going to get tough, y'all! I just hope we are really prepared when it does.


  1. You took the words out of my mouth and I agree with you wholeheartedly. We do tend to "want it now", without considering the amount of work, sacrifice and patience it really entails. Just think about how difficult it is to do one of the things we're known for, organize a simple party. Getting us to be a cohesive unit is a massive undertaking and is often made doubly difficult, if not more; by the mere fact that we tend to have so many personal agendas and wants. One of the catch 22s about being such a diverse group. There's beauty in diversity, but it can also cause us to become fractured and divisive. So I think your question is a very good one, and we should all be asking it of ourselves. The time has come for us to let go of the petty differences that are inherent in "us" as a group, suck it up and work together for our common interests. I think we're a lot closer to it than ever before. We just need to decide it within ourselves as individuals and go for it. The time is ripe for change, we just need to continue to make the progress and take the bad with the good. We shall overcome would be a wonderful mantra for us think about as we continue our battle for equality.
    Hugs to all

  2. "Won't Back Down" is another good song for the movement. "We Shall Overcome" was a moving, inspirational, and hopeful anthem and absolutely applies, too. As someone who was in my 20's during the beginning of the Civil Rights Movement and experienced the changes, I agree with you. I also agree that parts of both civil rights movements are similar and some aren't and look forward to your post on it.

    Excellent post!!
