Saturday, June 27, 2009

Gay-themed horror book just won The Stoker Award

UNSPEAKABLE HORROR, a collection of gay-themed tales just won the 2008 Stoker Award.

This book received the Superior Achievement in an Anthology Series honors. This is first time a gay-themed piece of work has won this award. The editors are Chad Helder and Vince Liaguano. Chad is a horror writer and and English instructor, his website is here.

Vince has a blog, here

Also watch this trailer for the book

I have to check this out

Thanks to DoorQ for posting this


  1. Very cool. I might be checking that out myself.

  2. Vyktor--you always have the best scoops!

  3. Thanks so much for the mention! We're very proud of the anthology and the fact that it was recognized by the HWA. Hope you and your readers will consider supporting the independent queer horror press and picking up a copy. We promise you won't be disappointed. There is more information on this ground-breaking project at and at, where you can read interviews with the contributors and find links to interviews with Chad and I about how the project came together.

    Thanks again ~ and happy reading!

  4. Thanks Vince! I love horror so you have me at "Hello"
