Saturday, June 13, 2009

Dumb Article of the Day: Queerty's: THAT'S IT: Obama Has Spat and Shit In the Faces of Gay America

Lord, here we go.

Clueless. (Actually, that's what I was thinking about this article)
That's the only explanation for why President Obama not only actively promotes the Defense of Marriage Act, but defends its implementation at all costs. With utter stupidity, and amidst calls from groups like the ACLU and HRC to immediately reverse course, the Obama administration claimed it's only sticking to standard operating procedure. He should be ashamed.

The White House today responded to criticism: "As it generally does with existing statutes, the Justice Department is defending the law on the books in court. The President has said he wants to see a legislative repeal of the Defense of Marriage Act because it prevents LGBT couples from being granted equal rights and benefits. However, until Congress passes legislation repealing the law, the administration will continue to defend the statute when it is challenged in the justice system."

Except it's really this simple: How can Obama tell us he's for the repeal of DOMA, but then have his charges defend that same policy?

If he really wants a legislative repeal of the law, why is he wasting government resources — literally, the tax dollars of gay and straight Americans — continuing to lobby the courts to follow DOMA? The president has not made a single tangible action to have DOMA repealed. The Democratic-controlled Congress, which Obama says is responsible for DOMA's deletion, is doing nothing on the matter.

Before President Bill Clinton signed DOMA into law and while Congress listened to testimony from opponents and supporters, the Clinton White House released a statement defending the bill. It was a terrible, heart-wrenching kick in the teeth, and it should have ashamed Clinton.

President Obama just joined that list of unremarkable presidents lobbying for discrimination.

The only reason we can think of that Obama would have the Department of Justice lobby on behalf of DOMA in Smelt v. United States is to keep the law's fate out of the hands of the court system. That might be a worthwhile strategy. But the White House is not telling us about that plan, if it even exists. And if that's their ploy, they should share it with the public. And yet, if that scenario were really true, and Obama really was serious about repealing DOMA via Congress, wouldn't he be simultaneously lobbying Congress to, uh, do that? No wonder no longer even acknowledges Obama's supposed support for DOMA's repeal.

The man is a liar, and his actions are despicable. He's risked every ounce of credibility among gay Americans. The man who championed hope has given us every reason to lose it.

Queerty, Queerty, Queerty...This is ridic, for real. They have to follow the law until it's repeal, changed or thrown out. I'm sorry y'all, but seriously, this is politics and law! Are y'all that stupid? Yes, you are. And did you hear Obama say he's supporting DOMA. No!! What's wrong with you people? Goddess, I mean you would think this is Days of Future Past and we are hunted down, with mutant collars and the letter M branded on our eyes.

People, we need to be real and deal with reality. Obama has not abandon us or turn his back on us. It's completely silly to believe so, and while most folks continue to get drunk on the haterade, they refuse to look at what we really have going for us. To be honest, we are not really, really suffering. We need to put on the big boy panties and work with the system. This negativity is killing our spirits and in time we will be too bitter and ungrateful to see the changes.

And another thing...Why are these writers and some of us so...I don't know, demanding. Yes, I want these issues changed, but still, I know IT WILL TAKE TIME AND WORK. 

Queerty writers...Grow up. Think critically and come back with some sense.

Until I hear Obama say he's not changing DOMA and DADT, I still have hope. There's no need to be so silly, myopic and negative. It's foolish and a waste of time. Now...If you excuse me, I will put my pearls back on. Getting angry, makes me all tense.



  1. Amen!!! I was saying the same thing earlier today. We are so freakin fickle, it's ridiculous...we were all over obama in january now five months into a 4 year term we're crying's ridiculous.

  2. Where's the leadership? He has done next to nothing compared to the campaign promises (so far). I realize there are other things on his plate, but throw us a freakin bone. He can stop the practice of DADT with a signature and then work with Congress on changing the policy (and there is no indication that has even begun). Obviously, Obama is better than the alternative, but you have to admit his actions on gay issues to date are a huge disappointment. I don't see how being vocal about our rights is a bad thing. Squeaky wheel.

  3. agreed part of the job White House and DOJ is to defend the laws currently on the books.

    Have we seen him mmove to get rid od DADT and DOMA? NO. And there is nothing wrong with demanding to be treated equally

  4. Well, Obama is playing the ultimate political game here. He doesn't want the 'stain' of repealing DOMA and DADT to be on him, he wants it to come from the congress.

    That said, his first campaign is now going to be the only campaign in which I gave money.

  5. I want him to throw us a bone, soon, but I still believe there's something coming from in the next few weeks.
    I agree, there's nothing wrong with asking or demanding, however let's stay on the up and up.

    The WH did say that there will be announcements in June. I'm hoping for the best.

  6. I usually agree with you that Queerty needs a life, but in this case their outrage is justified. Read the brief. It is appalling. The DOJ compared my marriage to incest, claimed that gays do not deserve equal protection under the law, and that allowing us to marry would harm the nation. Yes, the DOJ had to defend the existing law, but they didn't have to praise it, nor did they need to give legal ammunition to our opponents -- they could have just stuck to the facts ("Congress passed this law, Congress had that right for dry legal reason A, B, C"). Instead the DOJ produced an anti-gay screed worthy of Rush Limbaugh. This brief will be cited in every federal gay rights case for the rest of history. Notably, the DOJ has probably just torpedoed the federal Prop 8 lawsuit (not that that really stood a chance anyway, but still). Also, the Republicans in Congress can now throw the administration's own words in Obama's face if anti-DOMA (or anti-DADT, or pro-ENDA, or the present debates around gay immigration families and federal hate crimes) legislation ever makes it to his desk. This move really does hurt us in a very real way.

    I also take umbrage with the sentence "We are not really, really hurting." Perhaps YOU aren't, but there are plenty of kids killing themselves because Gay Is Evil where they live, there are families who can't stay together because one of them is from Mexico, there are soldiers losing a lifetime's worth of benefits. The DOJ just made all of those people's quests much, much more difficult.

    The Obama administration could have defended the existing law without putting up brand new roadblocks to progress. That the DOJ chose to produce this mess (again, please read the brief, it really is just awful) is beyond me.

    The brief was definitely written by a Bush appointee, so perhaps a rogue agent who wanted to put Obama in a difficult position? I don't know, but that this brief made it through the process with all of its hate intact means that someone's not doing their job. Obama deserves to take some heat for this, and the non-apology we got from the White House yesterday doesn't cut it. I'd really like to see a reporter ask the Press Secretary "Does the President agree that gay marriage is equivalent to incest? If not, why did his administration allow a brief like that to get to court?"

    I still agree that Queerty needs to calm itself down, though.

  7. WM -

    I think it's bizarre that while we had lunch - talking about Queerty and this very topic - ALL HELL broke loose on this issue.

    I commend your patience, but I think the White House needs to do something SOON - or the administration will lose a lot of support from our community.


  8. I totally disagree with every single thing anonymous wrote, right down to the letter. Kids committing suicide (in homophobic families) has nothing to do with Obama striking down some anti-gay legislation, at all. There are more deeply rooted issues at hand that FAMILIES with gay children need to address, not the federal government (sorry, but that comment just rubbed me the wrong way entirely). Those same children will continue to harm themselves because homophobia--like racism--is NOT going away anytime soon.

    Lastly, as far as DADT goes...I want to know What are gays in the military doing to combat this issue besides sitting on their hands, keeping their mouths shut, and letting the outsiders fight the fight? More progress could be made if every single high ranking officer or infantry grunt came out and proclaimed that DADT is unconstitutional. True, the squeaky wheel does get the most grease but not if it's the wrong wheel on the wrong bicycle.

    Furthermore, the President--contrary to the lies being espoused by trash journalists like Queerty--does NOT have the power to just sign off against DADT. If he could he would but he CAN'T. Bill Clinton didn't legislate DADT. He just signed off on it. This has to go through congress (the house and the senate BOTH)and be repealed...Obama can't just make it happen. What should happen is that some in the gay community, with prominent voices, need to take a government class and see all the bureacracy that Obama has to go through. This whole thing is political. I knew that bonafide change wasn't going to happen at the BEGINNING of the Obama administration.
    These queens was acting like Obama would just come in and sprinkle fairy dust on the whole world and EVERYTHING would be A OTAY. Gimme a break...were we so abused by the Bush administration that all reason and rationale flew out of the window?

    Sorry but, speaking as a gay man myself, the gay community needs to turn down some of the rhetoric. We FINALLY have an ally (a powerful one at that)in the White House (who acknowledges our existence and is helping to usher in change)the hears our concerns and now--four months into the game--we're pissing on him.

    Chile, don't cut off your nose to spite your face because it may comeback to haunt you with a Sarah Palin Presidency. You have been warned.
