Monday, June 1, 2009

Bryan Singer would love to return to the X-Men

I think this is the best thing I've heard today.

In a new interview, Singer admits wishing he'd stayed on to direct the third X-Men movie.

He had left the franchise to make Superman Returns, and Brett Ratner stepped in to finish the X-Men trilogy with 2006's X-Men: The Last Stand, which had a mixed response from fans and critics.

Singer adds that he might well be interested in the proposed X-Men Origins: Magneto prequel. And he'd get a warm welcome - X-Men producer Lauren Shuler Donner has said she would love to see Singer back in the mutant movie franchise.

Speaking to Total Film, Singer said: "I'm eternally intertwined with X-Men now. What takes an audience four hours to watch - the first two movies - took six years of my life. So, to not be part of it....It's a shame."

Asked whether he wished he had directed X-Men: The Last Stand, he admitted he had that feeling "before I was watching it, during watching it, after watching it."

Singer added: "It's weird for me to watch it, because I'm so close to the universe. And also Brett is a good friend of mine. But, of course, I would love to return to that universe."

So, Brett screwed us! He has no love from the X-Fans. Bryan, if you can, please redo the Phoenix saga. It's sad when the 90's cartoon did a better version. But I know you can do it justice.



  1. I bet he wants to return to X-Men. Superman Returns was one of the worst films ever made.

  2. I was upset that he left, but I'll take him back...

  3. Honestly hated ALL of the X-Men films. None of them stayed true to the canon...And I certainly agree with Son of Baldwin. Superman Returns was HORRIBLE. That is a franchise that needs a reboot. Brandon Routh was great but everything else?
