Sunday, June 21, 2009

Blasphemy, I tell you! Here is the NEW Fame movie trailer


I just don't know, y'all.


  1. Chile, when is Debbie Allen going to stop trying to ressurrect FAME? lol. She has tried to produce a follow up show, a television contest (HORRID), and now this damn remake...LOL
    Debbie know she need to quit. This is going to bomb horribly. A new generation does NOT care about Fame!

  2. I'm going to see it... Though because of a nostalgic-I-wish-I-never-stopped-dancing sort of feeling.

    But, honestly, it just looks like a pretentious version of every other dance movie out there.

  3. It has all these great people in it, but it is so MTV. i will see it, but only for the adults.

  4. Take that trailer off your blog! That looks like crap! Where is Coco? Do we really need yet another movie about some white girl showing us she can dance?
