Sunday, June 7, 2009

Bill O'Reilly had to say "I'm Sorry"

Great way to start the day.

Bill O'Reilly claimed that CNN didn't cover the murder of Army recruiter William Long until Anderson Cooper did on his show.

Bill said

"CNN is supposed to be the news channel," O'Reilly said to Editor & Publisher's Joe Strupp. "CNN says we don't do opinion, we do news. Only Anderson Cooper at 10:00 covered this story. Nobody else! All day long it wasn't news to cover an army recruiter gunned down in Arkansas?"

Rick Sanchez was having that and said this:

After the proof was set out on the table, Bill had to apologize

Great moment in TV


  1. He's such a frakkin prick, I can't even begin because it would be a hijacking of this piece. All I can say is even when doing a "correction" he seems to be able to come off as one of Americas biggest prick bastards. People that watch his show frighten me frankly.

  2. Big surprise.
    Bill O'Snidely is a lying asshat.
    Who knew?

  3. All those right-wingers keep getting more and more desperate. It would be funny if it wasn't so sad and frightening.

  4. My former in-laws watch everyone on Fox and worship the words out there mouths as Gospel Truth. So I'm if they believed Bill, a whole hella bunch of people did.

    I can't stand O'Reilly, but why spread evil by badmouthing him. His day to roost is sorely on it's way. All the haters...Rush, O'Reilly, can be nasty like that without the Universe stepping and balancing the Karma scales eventually.

  5. "My bad"??? A "rare" mistake? OK, now I'll have to add another one to my list of "non-apology apologies"...
