Monday, May 4, 2009

To Fox Studios...No More Mutants (movies)

Warning...Rant Ahead

Wolvie did well this weekend, making close to 90 million. And now folks in Hollyhell are thinking about the next mutant movie.

However, I'm thinking... What is the next Mutant Massacre?

If y'all don't know, I'm a huge, huge comic book fan; been in it since I was 14. The stories, the heroes, the villains and the art has always been a part of my life. So when I see a movie of my favorite comic books, I want them to be the best.

But what do we get? Movies for dumb people...yes I said it. The stories that has created epic tales and legends are reduced to explosions, bad acting, overdose of CGI and scantly clad girls. I know these movies have to make money, but please don't insult me with overpacked plots and silly actors.

If folks took the time to tell the story so many geeks fell in love with, we will keep coming back. I think about Joss writing Buffy and how loyal we are several years after the show was over. How Batman Returns and Dark Knight kept fans in awe and gave Heath an Oscar. That's the type of product we would like to see in all Comic Book flicks.

But when we get crap like Daredevil, Ghost Rider, Elektra, Transformers, Fantastic Four, The Spirit, X-Men 3, Catwoman and Wolverine, it just breaks my heart. These movies are insulting to many of us who have major respect for the characters. It almost hurts to see any movie relating to anything geeky.

So to end my rant, I beg the Gods for these things:

  1. NO MORE MUTANTS (movies that is, unless it's by Marvel Studios)
  2. Let the writers of the comic WRITE THE FRAKKING MOVIE and they should pick the director.
  3. Stop selling the comic book rights to foolish studios who will abuse the frak out of it.
  4. Stick to the story. Don't change it up, if Chris Claremont or Alan Moore didn't go there, then neither should some overzealous writer.
  5. Do Not use Megan Fox in anything!
  6. If the story is too big (X-Men 3/Pheonix saga), do it in cartoon style.
  7. No more CW style comic book shows (Birds of Prey will always haunt me)
Okay...I feel a little better now


  1. Enjoyed the whole rant until you mentioned Birds of Prey. even though it was a vast departure from the book (which I was reading at the time) it was still a pretty good show. honestly the only thing I would have changed was Shermar Moore, he is the male Halle Berry to me.

    I think the Phoenix saga was best done by the Xmen cartoon in the 90's and Spider Man on Fox did a great job of retelling some old classics.

  2. I love you for this post.

    Of course I loved Transformers (teeheehee); however, you are on point.

    They don't pay attention to the people (us...geeks)who made the comic books popular in the first place.
    I hated all three of the X-films (Wolverine was good (Okay, I admit that all of the man candy(Jackman, Shrieber, and Reynolds)but not the greatest...)because I'm a purist. I'm an X-Men fanboy Geek from way back (hell, I've even read back issues and graphic novels from the 1970's to keep up with the storylines). So to see all of my favorite characters, especially Storm (rule 8. Keep Halle Berry away from superheroes...), bastardized nearly made me blow a gasket.

    Yes Hollywood...
    Let's stop with the mutant movies. If you can't do them right then don't do them at all.

    Oh yeah, Megan Fox will be in everything. Just as long as she makes horny little computer geeks masturbate she'll have a career. Such is the way of Hollyweird.

    And what the fuck was up with The Phoenix Force being a natural progression of Jean Grey's powers?! WTF???!!!!!!!!
    It was the Phoenix force!!!

    Okay, my rant is over.

  3. Yeah but you still went and paid to see the movie didn't you?
