Friday, May 8, 2009

Spock and Uhura

See the movie...see the unknown love they shared


  1. Saw it literally 4 hours ago - fantastic.

  2. I'm planning to see it and am babysitting so my son and his wife can see it tomorrow night. Glad to hear it's that good! (and that you didn't give anything away)

  3. I loved this because of Spock and Uhura! Why in the hell didn't they stay together and make beautiful black/Vulcan babies? haha

  4. @ToddyEnglish...who says they won't!! Who knows how they'll play this out, the universe is wide open!!

    They did a great job with this flick. They payed due homage to the original and still chnaged things so that they can go forward in any direction that they want to! Brilliant!! I think Uhura and Spock make sense. She's a communications specialist who is absorbed with understanding and translating things and here is Spock the ultimate puzzle to solve. The code she alone can crack. I like how they would have her feeling his face the way a blind person does to read a persons emotions and to gain recognition of their facial features. Great great stuff!!
