Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Rep. Jason Chaffetz, the Face of Stupidity

Talk about sticking your nose into other folk's business. Since D.C. recognizes gay marriage performed in other states and countries, you know there would be haters. And in some sense we have seen them in action, like Marion Berry and other foolish minsters. But their newest champion is an outsider of the state, Utah's Rep. Jason Chaffetz.

Yes, he's from Utah and guess what y'all...He's a Mormon! This fool is leading the charge in Congress to overturn the D.C.'s newly inked bill.

But you may ask...How can he do that when he represents Utah?

Well, here's why:

Unlike any other American city, Washington has no ultimate control over its own laws and budgets and Congress has 30 days in which to cancel the 12-1 vote by the City Council to recognize same-sex marriage licenses from other states. The district, home to nearly 600,000 residents, has no voting member of Congress.

"People in Salt Lake City are paying for the operation and government in the District of Columbia."

So he thinks he can just prance on in there and overturn their laws. How strong and Republican of you, Jason.

But this plan of his is pretty much a fool's game. It is less likely to be overturned and to be real, Jason just got into Congress. They don't want some silly upstart causing problems. Jason's advisers should get him to back down. This will hurt him more than it will us.


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