Sunday, May 17, 2009

Question of the Day

Now that Carrie Prejean has reached Madonna status, I have to ask this question.

If Perez Hilton kept it classy after she answered his question, would she even be this frakking big right now?

Some of my friends believe Perez is responsible for Carrie's 36 minutes. I'm not so sure about that, but he did provide the gasoline for the fire.

What do y'all think?


  1. I have no idea who that is... Does she she eat the raw diet?

  2. I think Carrie and Perez are both fame-whores who saw an opportunity to drag out something that could have been over in a day so they can keep the spotlight on themselves.
    She is, plain and simple, a liar.
    He is, plain and simple, a slut for press.

  3. yeah I think he brought this to another level...

  4. I'm just going to go out on a limb her and say I can't stand those queens- either one of them!!!
    Perez Hilton is an embarrasment to GLBT? people everywhere! I cringe every time I see him/it/her!
    The picture you posted just made me throw up in my mouth a little...

  5. Never was a big fan of Perez, his blog is entertaining at time but the person is a bit annoying. Although he had become one of the spokesperson for gay rights lately and even though I don't care for him, I've gotta respect someone who can draw attention to the issue.

    Carrie who? I think we have heard the last of her already.

  6. Yes he brought the gas...but the natural bodily gas and not the pay at the pump variety.

  7. He's totally responsible. She might have been accepted by the TBN/rightwing bigot crowd; however, she would not have made a national splash.
    Perez Hilton was extremely childish in his response. He helped create this monster. Ms. America should not have been used as a political platform, at all.
