Saturday, May 9, 2009

Question of the Day

is the controversial film about outing politicians who have antigay voting records but have hidden gay lives.

While they feel that these methods help us, they are still outing people and causing drama.

So this is my question of the day...Is this kind of outing the right thing to do to these self-haters or is this tactic just wrong?


  1. This is no different than exposing a Senator like David Vitter - who is "Pro-Family Values" in his words and voting record, but hires hookers on the side.

    You can't have it both ways. If you want to be in the closet - FINE. But you can't be allowed to stay in the closet while hurting the rest of us with your words and actions as a "Public Servant".

  2. They're not being outed because they're self-haters, they're being outed because they're negatively influencing people's lives.

    That kind of hypocrisy absolutely needs to be exposed because this isn't just your neighbor that you blew in the backyard one summer day, who didn't see you again and now you have some personal vendetta against him... These are people who have a tangible effect on the law and our lives.

  3. I agree with David. I think it's downright grimey to have this undercover life, and then support policy that negatively affects people who are living out, loud, and proud.

    Hypocrisy has to be exposed, especially among elected officials. They chose public office and full transparency is essential. Plus, I want to know if some self-hating GLBT person is running for office, because chances are I won't have confidence that they are going to do what is right for the GLBT community.

  4. I say out them. If you're suckin' dick on the side and then voting against gay rights you deserve to be outed.

  5. It is quite simple, like everyone has already said:
    If you are in a position of auhtority and use that authority in an anti-gay manner, through voting for or against legislation, the hiring or non-hiring of personnel, and you are discovered to be gay, then out them.
    I am not a fan of hatred masked with hypocrisy.

    But to out a celebrity or anyone who wishes to remain in the closet is a no-no.

  6. Politics is one of the few places where a persons personal life can and does weigh very heavily on their position. When people vote they are voting for more than just the person, they are voting for an idea. What they feel that person represents.

    The fact that these closeted men are voting in an anti-gay way doesn't surprise me in the least. Not to say that being gay means that you will always vote in our best interests (achemm...log cabin republicans..achemm..) For me, anyone enacting laws that are based on self hatred and hypocrisy, needs to be exposed. (I would feel the same if someone was signing into law anti-prostitution legislation, while spending our tax dollars on hookers.) If only to keep their constituents informed on the type of person they are. That way the next time an election comes up, the voters can vote with an accurate assertation of the individual they are voting for.

  7. I absolutely think they should be "outed". That whole "people in glass houses, shouldn't throw stones" thing totally applies.
