Friday, May 15, 2009

James Dobson Surrenders...For now

Well, Mumm-ra is going to his tomb for a while. He can't handle the truth or reality so he's stepping out of the way.

I want to tell you up front that we're not going to ask you to do anything, to make a phone call or to write a letter or anything.

There is nothing you can do at this time about what is taking place because there is simply no limit to what the left can do at this time. Anything they want, they get and so we can't stop them.

We tried with [Health and Human Services Secretary] Kathleen Sebelius and sent thousands of phone calls and emails to the Senate and they didn't pay any attention to it because they don't have to. And so what you can do is pray, pray for this great nation... As I see it, there is no other answer. There's no other answer, short term.


I've been on the air for 32 years and I've never seen a time quite like this. It just illustrates what happens when we don't have what the Founding Fathers referred to as checks and balances, where the excesses of one party or one branch of government limit the reach of power hungry and self-serving people and keeps them form doing things that are harmful to the country.

That's the way the system was designed. We have 2 major political parties in this country, not one. And bipartisanship is a media creation that's designed to promote one point of view instead of the debate that should occur. And that's why media doesn't talk about bipartisanship when conservatives are in power...

...[today] the radical left controls the executive branch through the president, and the Congress... and the Judiciary through the courts... now they control it all, including every department of government. As a result, the legislation that should shock the nation, if people were paying attention, is being rushed into law.

Yes, we demons control it all and we love it, James.



  1. He is tripping! Look at all the heinous things that occurred under the last administration. I didn't see him getting all up in arms about the right showing "no limit" to the destruction they could do.

    Where was he when Georgie and Dick where shutting down debate.

  2. Honestly we must get our news from the same places as I just wrote about this.

    I don't think it is an actual admittance of defeat, but rather a sly political outcry to gather what is left of the moment to 'retake' the capitol.

  3. Very interesting. So he realizes that his efforts are for naught when Republicans aren't in control.

    I'd like to ask what he thinks about the eight years in which the Repugs had complete control? Did he like that better than now?

    What we're seeing is a complete repudiation of not only the Republican brand, but the Christian aka Moral Majority. They aren't a majority at all, never were. Instead they were masters of media manipulation.

    Like it or not, America is gradually getting more an more atheistic and I love it so!
