Monday, May 11, 2009

Interesting Quote: Miss California Carrie Prejean

I felt as though Satan was trying to tempt me in asking me this question. And then God was in my head and in my heart saying, "Do not compromise this. You need to stand up for me and you need to share with all these people . . . you need to witness to them and you need to show that you're not willing to compromise that for this title of Miss USA."

And I knew right here that it wasn't about winning. It was about being true to my convictions.

Carrie talking to James Dobson, of all people, on a Focus on the Family radio program.


  1. Do I believe that? Not for a moment.

  2. God has time for the Miss USA pageant? For that matter, Satan has time for the Miss USA pageant? LOLOLOLOL!

  3. But then if God told her to say this, why was she crying that her answer cost her the crown?
    Did God forget to mention that part, and, if so, would she have changed her answer?
    I have decided to banish Prejean from further mentions on my blog because she, like Perez hilton, is milking this non-scandal for all that it's worth.

  4. Wail praise Jeeezzzuuss! It's a pity God didn't already "call her home". I'm sick to death of the bitch.

  5. I was trying to think of some smart mouthed witty comment, but I digress. It was too rude.

    I wish her, and all the others like her, God's blessings because the Creator I love, know, and serve, LOVES EVERYBODY...

  6. Anyone with half a brain can see that when she's not snorting coke, she's being sodomised by her Dad/uncle/brother, whilst simultaneously signing up to pro-KKK websites.

  7. Those folks there got enough nerves to demand she live up to her end of the contract and not grant interviews without their permission while they have been going out there trashing her.

  8. Y'know when I was a devout uber fundie Christian I used to think the EXACT sameway. You are programmed to think that ANYTHING outside of Christianity is of Satan. Therefore, you say stupid shit like, "I heard God say in my mind to speak boldly and testify..."
    I still want to beat the hell out of Perez Hilton for this.

  9. wow. for a group of people who preach tolerance, you are actually a group of very INtolerant people. You impose, no force, your agenda on everyone and can trash someone like carrie prejean who stands up for her beliefs. hmm. who's the hypocrite? i agree with her stance. it is not of hate nor intolerance, it is of Biblical truth that WE believe. whether or not you choose to believe it, that is up to you. i've never been on this blog site, nor will i be on it again. i was looking for a quote of hers and stumbled upon this "interesting quote blog." For God not supporting homosexuality is not because he doesn't love you. it is for that very reason he does not support it, because He loves you so deeply. if a little child was to play with a chef's knife, would you let him/her play with it just because you didn't want to say no? is that really loving your child? i think not. God has laws just like this land has laws. for your protection, for the sake of what's right or wrong.
    but you will all mock me and God and determine what is right or wrong in your own minds, because you all know best, right? you all know better than the Creator. hmm.
    and yes, everything outside of GOD is of satan. again, whether you want to believe it or not. Ephesians 6:10-20.
    1+1 will always = 2. you can tell yourself and believe that 1+1=3 and try to convince others also, but 1+1 will always equal 2. truth is truth. you can't change that no matter how much you try.
